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Join the Giving Circle

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In 2020, Acorn Center began prototyping collective care strategies to improve access to financial and wellness resources. We started by offering "Thank You" gifts to Black Trans* Women and Femme movement leaders in our ecosystem. Our second innovation in 2021 was giving Black Trans*, Non-Binary, and Gender Non-Conforming folks access to free 1-on-1 healing sessions with practitioners in our community. The impact of both offerings was phenomenal in that the most vulnerable in our community were able to tend to their basic needs, spiritual development, and wellness during times of need. In 2022, we piloted an initiative that redirected a percentage of our online donations to create the Mutual Aid Fund for BIPOC, Queer and Trans* HEARTS Justice Practitioners. Our soft launch focused on staff, community leaders, and those participating in our leadership development programs. After streamlining our process for the distribution of resources, we launched at full capacity in 2023, investing one hundred percent of all online donations to the fund. This pathway has redefined how we practice care and is a living example of how collective resourcing creates more freedom.
Give today to join in this community of care!
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