Transition Plan

Announce made April 15, 2024: With a joyful heart, I announce that I will be leaving as Executive Director of Acorn Center for Restoration by June 30, 2024. A process that began in September 2023, I have had immense clarity about my need for rest, restoration, and space to allow new magic to emerge. I have had time to reflect on this journey of freedomwork that has forever changed the way I understand the power of healing, arts, spiritual and land justice. These lessons will be carried in my bones, along with some deep revelations on what happens when we step out of the center of our creations. The exciting reality is: I don’t have a plan for what I will do next and I am sure it will align with my purpose on this planet.From the bottom of my heart I thank every person who put their energy into this cauldron to create this space with me: just in the past 3 years we have worked with 150 healers, spiritualists, facilitators, artists, and leaders. A dynamic group of people have held this work as Wisdom Circle, Legacy Circle, and Leadership Circle members alongside consultants who have supported our technical, fundraising, and administrative infrastructure. It truly does take the village to create a space where people can root in relationships as an act of freedom.
Facing Challenges

Leadership Transitions

Acorn Center Shape Shifting

Hard Lessons as Freedom Praxis